Friday, October 18, 2013


Ja ih OBOŽAVAM!!!!
Toliko upotpunjuju izgled nakon šminkanja da izgledaju IZVANREDNO....:))
One su prošli dugi put od sedamdesetih godina prošlog veka kada su žene nosile ogromne trepavice u varijantama koje su zaista izgledale lažno. Ovih dana ih ima u toliko raznih varijanti a žene ih nose da poboljšaju izgled svoga oka, bilo da su poznate ličnosti na crvenom tepihu ili obične žene u svom radnom okruženju na poslu.
Još uvek mnoge devojke koje šminkam imaju predrasudu o lažnim trepavicama , ali kada ih postavim one se oduševe i prihvataju ih ..
Koristim isključivo trepavice sa prirodnom dlakom jer su mnogo vernije prirodnim trepavicama iako su skuplje od običnih sintetičkih trepavica.
U skorije vreme sam uvela u svoj rad i nadogradnju individualnih trepavica od prirodne dlake koje su za dužu upotrebu i traju dve-tri nedelje nakon čega se dopunjuju.
Ono što će uskoro i kod nas biti apsolutni hit su papirne trepavice , ako ne verujete ili ih do sada niste videli pogledajte sličice dole ...MENI SE SVIĐAJU A VAMA???

I LOVE them!
So complete the look after makeup to look great ...
False eyelashes have come a long way since the seventies when women wore huge, gaudy varieties that looked fake. These days many women wear them to enhance their eyes, whether they're celebs on the red carpet or women going about their everyday business.
Still many girls who wear makeup have prejudice about false eyelashes but when you ask them they are delighted and accept them ... I use only natural lashes with a natural hair because they are much more accurate real lashes ,although more expensive than regular synthetic artificial eyelashes .. Recently, I introduced the individual lashes that last for longer use two or three weeks after which they complement each other.


Thursday, October 17, 2013


Da li ste razmišljali koliko vodite računa o higijeni Vaše šminke ?
Ono što bi trebalo da znate jeste da preduzmete higijenske mere i kada je šminka u pitanju jer sve ima svoj rok trajanja. Kada upotrebljavamo stare, istekle proizvode štetimo svojoj koži i njenoj lepoti ;).
Tako bi trebalo da NIKADA ne delimo svoju šminku sa drugima. Bilo da je Vaša najbolja prijateljica kojoj je potreban sjaj za usne u žurbi da ga stavi, ili Vaša majka, sestra ili neko drugi..Pozajmljivanjem maskare, sjaja ili ruža rizikujete možda infekciju oka ili ranice i sl...
Takođe čistite Vaše četke jer i one treba da se čiste pogotovo ako se koriste za puder ili rumenilo, ako to niste dugo radili ili ih jednostavno zamenite. Četkice čistite bar jednom nedeljno sa neutralnim šamponom ili sredstvom za čišćenje četkica. Izbegavajte bebi šampone jer sadrže mineralno ulje koje ostavlja zaštitni sloj preko vaših četkica. Najbolje je posle svake upotrebe očistiti Vašu četkicu sa alkoholom, koji uklanja bakterije i ostavlja Vam četkice čiste za novu upoterbu..
Korišćenje šminke na pravi način pomoći će Vam da izbegnete neprijatne bolesti. Mnoge žene u svakodnevnoj rutini i ne shvataju da ono što rade svakodnevno nosi rizik infekcije.
Prvo proverite kako čuvate Vašu kozmetiku, proverite da su Vam proizvodi dobro zatvoreni, ukoliko ih koristite svakodnevno. To pomaže proizvodu da je u dobrom stanju, bezbednom za duži period. Kozmetika sadrži konzervanse koji sprečavaju rast bakterija , ali neadekvatna upotreba kozmetičkih proizvoda pomaže u rastu istih. Takođe je bitno čuvati proizvode na adekvatnoj sobnoj temperaturi, a nikako na toplim mestima izloženi direktno sunčevoj svetlosti. Sve preko 29 stepeni Celzijusa je opasno za čuvanje šminke.
Nikada ne dodavati vodu u šminku, jer to takođe podstiče rast klica i smanjuje dejstvo konzervanasa koji čine šminku čistom. Takođe i pljuvačka je štetna jer širi bakterije od Vaših usta gde su bezopasne, do Vaših očiju, koje su dosta osetljivije.
Znači sada znate, ne delite šminku sa prijateljima, ali šta je sa onima koje ne poznajete :) Zvuči očigledno, zar ne? Šta pomislite kada probate npr. najnoviji tester ruža u Vašoj parfimeriji?? Ukoliko morate da koristite tester ili planirate šminkanje npr. u parfimeriji, posavetujte se sa njihovim šminkerom, tražite nove aplikatore, proverite da li su ispoštovane sve procedure čišćenja šminke, tražite čak i drugi tester ukoliko je to potrebno ;))
Možda Vam neki od ovih saveta budu zaista korisni i kliknu u Vašoj glavi kada bude potrebno ;))Evo kako izgleda naša rutina: Većina odraslih koristi bar sedam ili više različitih proizvoda svaki dan. Koristeći sve od dezodoransa do karmina , recimo pasta za zube je popuno normalna za nas ali svaki proizvod utiče na naše telo- posebno ako se ne prati odgovarajuća higijena.
Mislite o tome ;)

Have you considered how much take care of hygiene of your makeup?
What you should know is to take hygienic measures and when it comes to makeup because everything has a shelf life. When we use old, expired products harming your skin and her beauty;).

Never share your makeup. Whether it’s your best friend who needs a quick coat of gloss or your mother, sister, aunt grandma and anyone else in-between; sharing isn’t caring when it comes to makeup. Even if you’re blood related keep your makeup to yourself, the lending of a mascara, gloss or lipstick can result in eye infections or a nasty cold sore…
 Clean your brushes. Yes your brushes do actually need to be cleaned so if you’ve been using the same grimy powder , it’s time you get a new one and some brush cleaner.
Brushes should be deep cleaned once a week with either a gentle shampoo or some good quality brush cleaner (avoid baby shampoo it contains mineral oil which can often leave a film over your brushes) After each use try to spot clean your brushes with some rubbing alcohol; it removes bacteria and leaves your brushes fresh and ready to use for the next morning!
Using makeup in a hygienic way can help you avoid picking up an unpleasant disease. Many women get so involved in their routines that they may not even realize that what they're doing each morning is, in fact, putting them at risk of infection.

First, examine how you store your cosmetics. Make sure that you close your makeup containers tightly after using them each day. This helps keep the product in good, safe condition for a longer period of time. Cosmetics normally contain preservatives that help prevent bacteria growth, but storing products incorrectly can mean germs will be able to grow. An important aspect of this is keeping products at room temperature; storing them in a hot place or in direct sunlight will make it much easier for bacteria to thrive. Anything above (29 degrees Celsius) becomes dangerous for makeup storage.
You should never add water to makeup, either, as this can spur germ growth in a previously clean environment and lessen the effects of any preservatives added to the makeup that keep it more sanitary. And using saliva is an even bigger makeup don't: It can spread bacteria from your mouth, where they are harmless, to your eyes, which are much more sensitive .

Now you know not to share makeup with friends -- but what about with strangers? Sounds obvious, right? Well, what do you think you're doing when you try the latest lipstick shade at your local department store's makeup counter? If you must use a tester or plan to have a makeover done by a department store makeup consultant, insist on disposable applicators, learn about cleaning procedures (make sure they follow them) and request a new tester product, if necessary.

You may find some of these tips are really useful, and clicks in your head when needed;))

Your Routine
Most adults use seven or more different skin-care products every day. Using everything from deodorant to lipstick to toothpaste is likely second nature to you, but each product can affect your body ,especially if you don't follow proper hygiene.
Think about it ;)))

Sunday, October 13, 2013


Kozmetička kuća Martinović čiji sam ja direktan zastupnik u prodaji njihovih kozmetičih proizvoda uzela je učešće na ovogodišnjem sajmu kozmetike u Beogradu kao izlagač svoji kozmetičkih proizvoda i kao organizator takmičenja FACE & BODY art. Slike su u nastavku pogledajte...

Cosmetics company Martinovic participated in the fair as an exhibitor of their beauty products and as the organizer FACE & BODY ART. Pictures are below....


22. međunarodni kongres i sajam kozmetike, nege kose, estetike i zdravlja, najveći Beauty sajam na području Jugoistočne Evrope. 12. i 13. oktobar 2013. godine, Beogradski sajam, Hala 2.

Bolonjski Cosmoprof, Moskovski Intercharm i Beogradski „Dodir Pariza”, spadaju u najveće beauty sajmove u Evropi. „Dodir Pariza” ima međunarodni karakter i održava se dva puta godišnje, u proleće i na jesen.

Beograd je domaćin proizvođačima, prezenterima i distibiterima svetski poznatih kozmetičkih kuća i frizerskih kompanija. Izlagači iz Srbije i drugih zemalja prezentuju voje proizvode i usluge. Dodir Pariza je najveći događaj sa dugom tradicijom, ne samo na području Balkana već i Centralne, Istočne i jugoistočne Evrope. Prethodni sajam je posetilo više od 20.000 posetilaca.

Svi posetioci uživaju u bogatom i intersantnom programu i takmičenjima frizera, šminkera, umetnici face & body, kao i u prvom Bodyart festivalu u Sbiji.

Kozmetičke kompanije Vam daju preporuke o nezi kože a na njihovim štandovima možete pronaći sve proizvode i primenu istih za negu kože koja Vam je potrebna. Takođe na koji način da izgubite težinum da imate mlađi izgled ili da uvećate svoje usne su samo neke o tema o kojima se govori na ovom događaju.
Za novitet u fizerskom domenu možete dobiti od najpoznatijih frizerskih kompanija, takođe pored saveta o tome koji Vam stil frizure odogvara možete pronaći i sve proizvode namenjene nezi Vaše kose.
Svi profesionalci u svetu lepote mogu čuti predavanja i učestovovati u radionicama na sajmu.

22nd international congress and fair of cosmetics, hair care, aesthetics and health The touch of Paris will be held in Hall 2 at Belgrade Fair, on 12th and 13th October 2013. The touch of Paris is the right place for everyone who cares about their health and beauty.

Belgrade will be the gathering place of manufacturers, representatives and distributors of world famous cosmetics and hairstyle companies. Exhibitors from Serbia and other countries will present their products and services. The touch of Paris is the biggest event with a long tradition, not only in the Balkan region, but also the Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Previous Fair visited more than 20.000 people.
All visitors will enjoy in rich and interesting program and competitions, such as hairdressers competition, Face and body art, make-up competition and first Bodyart Festival in Serbia.
Cosmetics companies will give You recommendations about skin care and on their benches You will find all the products and appliances for the skin care You need. How to lose weight, to keep young look or enlarge Your lips are just some of the topics that will be discussed at this event.
If You are interested in hairstyle novelties You should visit hairstyle companies. You can get advice from famous hairdressers. Along with advice about hairstyle that would suite You well, You will find all products for hair care at benches of hairstyle companies.
All professionals in beauty industry will be able to attend congress lectures and workshops at the fair.


Kada govorimo o obrvama, otkriću Vam  neke trikove i dati savete

Senčenje i popunjavanje
Kada birate olovku za obrve, uvek izaberite nijansu ili dve svetliju od Vaše prirodne boje obrva, a da bi bili sigurni da ste izabrali pravu boju nanesite je malo iznad svojih obrva. Birajte boju koja u sebi ima braon nijansu umesto crvene, kako obrve izgledale što prirodnije.
Izbegavajte crne olovke za obrve i ukoliko imate crne obrve. Senku za obrve dodajte u smeru rasta Vaših trepavica, laganim potezima.Prilikom senčanja obrva nemojte da Vam budu isti ton i intezitet, neka Vam luk i rep obrve budu najviše definisanm dok deo prema nosu neka budu malo svetliji. Sa četkom koja podseća na četkicu maskare uklonite Višak praha i blendujte do mekoće ostatak senke.Jednom kada ste ih popunili učvrstite ih gelom za obrve ili voskom.

Skraćivanje obrva

Ne skraćujte ih ukoliko to zaista nije potrebno !!!
Kada skraćujete duge dlačice, koristite četkicu koja podseća na četkicu maskare i očešljajte Vaše obrve na gore. Odsecite višak dlačica koje se protežu iznad oblika obrva, tako što ćete svaku pojedinačno odseći. Secite ih po malo pogotovu ako imate kovrdžavu dlaku.

These are some Tips And Tricks

Shading and Filling In

When choosing an eyebrow pencil, choose a shade or two that’s lighter than your natural brow color.
To find what color that works best, you can apply swatches above your eyebrows.
Choose a brow color that has a brown or khaki tint to it instead of red, so that it will look more natural.
Avoid black color pencils, even if you have black eyebrows.
Dust on eyebrow powder in the same direction your hairs grow, using light, feathery strokes.
Don’t shade in your eyebrow with the same darkness and intensity throughout. The arch and the tail of the eyebrows are usually the most defined, while the parts closer to the nose should be lighter.
Use the spool to remove any excess powder and blend in and soften the remaining powder.
Once you have filled in your brows, set them with a clear brow gel or wax.


Don’t do this unless you absolutely have to!
To trim excessively long hairs, use the spool to brush hair upwards.
Trim the excess hairs that extend above the shape of the brows.
Trim each hair individually.
Trim only very small amounts, especially if you have curly hair.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Pribor za obrve

1.) Pincete- koristi se za oblikovanje i čupanje obrva.Pincete sa vrhom pod uglom su dobre za čupanje dlačica i veoma su jednostavne za korišćenje. Koristite ga jednom u tri nedelje.

2.) Četka za obrve-Koristiti za nanošenje senke za obrve, kreme ili voska. Izaberite četkicu koja je pod uglom i čvrsta.Treba da bude odgovarajuće veličine i debljine kako bi lako rukovali sa njom. Mekša četkica Vam omogućava da dobijete prirodniji izgled obrva, dok jača daje dublji i dramatičniji izgled Vaših obrva.  

3.) Gel za obrve- Pomaže da učvrstite i obuzdate nemirne dlačice da budu na svom mestu. Možete takođe izabrati gel u boji ili providni gel.

4.) Male makazice- Koristite da skratite višak ili dugačke dlačice, zapravo Vam i nisu potrebne "specijalne makazice za obrve". Par malih , sa finim uglovima završiće posao. 

5.) Četka za obrve- Četka koja podseća na cilindrični štapić maskare. Koristi se za češljanje obrva van kako bi se pronašli nedostaci. Sa pokretima gore i spolja pomaže da skratite lakše dlačice. 

 6.) Češalj za obrve- Obično dolazi sa minijaturnom plastičnim češljem sa jedne i četkicom sa druge strane. Koristi se za četkanje obrva, volumiziranje i postavljanje obrva na svoje mesto :). Može biti i kao pomoć blendanju senke za obrve i olovke za obrve.

7.) Olovka za obrve- Koristite za popunjavanje i  senčenje razmaknutih dlačica. Proverite da li je kraj olovke oštar kada je nanosite.

8.) Senka za obrve- Neko voli da koristi senke za obrve jer daje mekši izgled iste (uglavnom to rade šminkeri), zato što boja sa olovke može biti previše oštra. U ovom slučaju koristite četkicu sa uglom da nanesete senku i popunite neravnomerne i tanke obrve.

Eyebrow Tools

1.) Tweezers - Used to pluck stray hairs and shape your eyebrows. Tweezers with an angled tip are good for picking up eyebrow hairs and are easy to use. Use this tool only once every three weeks!

2.) Eyebrow Brush - Used to apply eyebrow powder, creams or waxes. Choose a brush that is angled and firm. It should be appropriate in size and thickness so that application is easy. A softer brush can help give a more natural look while a stiffer one can create darker and more dramatic eyebrows.

3.) Eyebrow Gel - Helps to straighten and keep unruly wayward brows in place. You can choose a colored or clear eyebrow gel. 

4.) Mini scissors - Used to trim stray or long hairs. In fact, you don’t really need “special eyebrow scissors.” Just a pair of small, fine edged scissors will do. 

5.) Eyebrow Spool – The spool resembles a cylindrical mascara wand. Used to brush brows up and out in order to find the gaps. Using the “up and out” motion with a spool can help make trimming longer hairs easier. 

6.) Eyebrow Comb - Usually comes with a miniature plastic comb on one side and a small brush on the other. Used for grooming the eyebrow, volumizing and setting brows in place. It can also be used to help blend eyebrow powders and eyebrow pencils.

7.) Eyebrow Pencil – Use this to help fill in and shade sparse eyebrows. The darker the color, the bolder the statement your eyebrows make. Make sure the end is sharp when applying. 

8.) Eyebrow Powder – Some prefer to use a powder because it can give your brows a softer look (the color from the pencil can be too harsh). Use an angled eyebrow brush to apply brow powder to fill in uneven or thin eyebrow. 


Što su deblje to su bolje !!!

Deblji izgled Vaših trepavice može takođe biti softisticiran i neobičan...

Ukoliko želite da imate ovakav izgled prvo što treba da uradite jeste da prestaneta sa čupanjem istih.
Ostavite Vaše obrve na miru ;) i dozvolite im da prirodno izrastu. Potrebno je od 2-6 meseci dok Vaše obrve ne budu porasle na njihovu maximalnu gustinu.
Takođe, obrve  kako starimo slabije rastu, a dlake mogu da budu nepravilne, duže , grublje.
Na našu sreću postoji dovoljno pribora i trikova na raspolaganju kako bi poboljšali gustinu i oblik naših obrva.
Pravilno oblikovane obrve mogu poboljšati simetriju Vašeg lica i samim tim skrenuti pažnju na Vaše oči.
Suprotno važi za neoblikovane obrve ;), one mogu potpuno upropastitu simetriju lica..


The Bolder, The Better

Bold, well-groomed eyebrows can help pull together a look that’s both remarkably outlandish and sophisticated.

If you want this look, the first thing you have to do is to stop plucking your eyebrows!
Leaving your eyebrows alone ;) and allowing them to grow au naturel takes some restraint. It could take anywhere from 2 to 6 months before your eyebrows grow their fullest.Also, eyebrows tend to thin out as we get older. And the hairs start growing longer, coarser and unruly.Fortunately, there are plenty of tools and tricks at our disposal in order to tame and enhance the shape and fullness of our eyebrows.

Properly shaped eyebrows can increase the symmetry of your face and draw the attention to your eyes.
The opposite is true for improperly shaped eyebrows. They can ruin the symmetry of your face at best. And make you look like a clown at worst.